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Gourmet Dips and Spreads:
Mix all of our gourmet spices to create new and exciting dips and spreads for your next party or just for a snack. Our dips our mixed with 8 0z. sour cream and 8 oz. mayonnaise, which is the traditional recipe. But be creative, if you prefer to use a little more sour cream or mayo to come to your favorite taste.

  Burgers to Die For: A great way to add a little zip to your average hamburger is to add a package of our Zesty Cajun to 1 lb. of ground beef or maybe you love garlic, onions or Italian Herb. Or make your own creation of 1/2 package of garlic and 1/2 package of cajun. Be creative, blend your own new flavors.

Dip Hut Cheese Ball's

Two = 8-oz pkg's of cream cheese
One = 8.5-oz canned drained crushed pineapple
Two = cup's of chopped Walnuts
One = 28 grams ,The Dip Hut's garlic Pack
Soften cream cheese,stir until smooth.
Add drained pinapple.
Stir in half of the nut's,and The Dip Hut flavor of your taste buds.
Divide in to three sections,mold each section into a ball.
Roll & Coat each ball .
Wrap in Plastic wrap,place in frige,for one hour and your guests will Die for.
  Santina's Chi-Chi Spinach Dip: Impress your guests with this quick and easy recipe. Prepare our Spinach dip as the recipe recommends. Chill for at least an hour, and before your guests arrive, take 1/2 bushel of fresh spinach and coursely chop it into the dip.

Groovin' Garlic
  Royta's Rockin Rock Shrimp Dip: This recipe will leave your taste buds poppin'. Take 1/2 package of the Shrimp Cocktail and 1/2 package Zesty Cajun and mix to the directions on the package. Before serving, take four jumbo shrimp and chop them into the dip mixture. Your guests will think you worked for hours on this one.

Hoppin' Jalepeno

More recipes coming soon..send us your favorite today!