The Dip Hut's Recipe Corner.
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Recipe Corner
Please Submit all your Recipies By the 5th of each month.Winners Will Be Chosen and Contacted By Mail,So good luck and Keep Dipping Folk's.
Who Knows you mite be Next!!!!!
Our Next Trip Is To Alaska.
With The Rabbi Adlers Whole Congragation!!

Good Luck Folk's.

Our New Flavors Will Be Here Real Soon.

Look For Our New Steak,Chicken,And Fish Seasonings Coming In September,The Coast Guard own Private Neilson,submitted a great Home Cooked Meal Using our Garlic Dip,he was our runner-up Last Month.
He Purchased our Dips At The Base in Atlanta,Georgia.
Go Coast Guards.

Our July Winner Went To Universal City,California.
The Couple Who Won The Vacation For the Month of July,Sent us This Photo while they were on their Great Trip.
Blow Bombs.
Watkins,or Hotkins.
Either way He Had A Great Trip.

All Our Prouducts are Made In America,and will soon be Kosherized.