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Whats New with The Dip Hut For 2001
We had a GREAT Time at the Home Show... Glad you were all there to Purchase our Dips. Our Next Shows will be Three times a month in Every State In The Country. Come out and see us or call and order your Dips just in time for that party,or Special Occasion.

Look for our New Line Of Steak, Poultry,B.B.Q, And Fish,
Seasonings,coming this Summer just in time for those special outings and B.B.Q.'S.

The Dip Hut Seasonings and Rub's Are Winning Awards Everywhere.
The Dip Hut Seasonings have been Around Since May
1996,and relocated to the Las Vegas Area in 2001.
We have been a great success in selling our Dips and Spices at small local stores and now have taken
it a step further towards Home and Garden Shows within the United Statesm and Canada. Our Internet Sales have been wonderful since moving our Company to Nevada.

We Look forward to having you as our Loyal Customer forever Yours Truly Santina "Michelli" Enzer. Director Of Marketing & Vice President.